Mozambique is highly vulnerable to extreme weather conditions. In 2016, the weather phenomenon El Niño caused a severe drought in Southern Africa, and Mozambique was particularly affected. With the drought and food insecurity situation spreading throughout the country, Concern Worldwide, a member of the COSACA consortium in Mozambique, with Oxfam, Save the Children, and CARE, have been responding to the worsening food insecurity situation in certain areas in Mozambique through various initiatives that are aimed at alleviating the plight of those most affected by the situation.

Manica & Zambezia Market Mapping & Analysis
Concern Worldwide
August 2016 - October 2016
What Forcier Did:
As the initiatives expand to new locations, Concern commissioned Forcier to conduct rapid market assessments in the provinces of Manica, Sofala, and Zambézia in Mozambique. These assessments enabled Concern to gauge the general market dynamics in the different locations; to collect much needed price point data in order for price information and market capacity to be tracked over time; and to assess and establish the viability of certain interventions. Forcier conducted quantitative Consumer Demand Surveys, quantitative Market Opportunity Surveys and qualitative interviews. The information gathered from these assessments contributed to strengthening the national capacity of Concern Worldwide and participating agencies in market analyses as well as to understand existing coping mechanisms in order to inform and improve future programming.
Population Interviewed:
Forcier interviewed a variety of stakeholders in the provinces of Manica, Sofala, and Zambezia. A total of 95 Quantitative Market Opportunity Surveys were conducted, consisting of 5-20 quantitative interviews per market. In addition to the quantitative component, qualitative interviews were conducted with market chiefs, local government representatives, local traders, and regional traders in Quelimane and Chimoio. In total, 37 Key Informant Interviews and 12 Focus Group Discussions were conducted with local buyers and sellers, and 7 overall qualitative observation checklists recorded.
Methodological Summary
Quantitative Market Opportunity Surveys conducted
Key Informant Interviews with local government representatives
Focus Group Discussions with local buyers and sellers
Targeted Provinces in Mozambique