Water access in South Sudan varies heavily throughout the year, with availability being severely limited in the dry season between June and October. The White Nile runs through the country, providing a reliable water supply to the population settled in proximity to its banks. However, the rest of the population faces severe challenges in terms of water access. Surveys have shown that more than 30 percent of the population of South Sudan does not have access to clean water, and around 38% of the population has to walk for more than 30 minutes one way to collect drinking water.

Water Access Assessment
Concordis International
May 2015 - July 2015
What Forcier Did:
Forcier was contracted to conduct a water access assessment, including a thorough evaluation of water points along the Sudan-South Sudan border, and the conflicts and tensions surrounding them. Water points along the north-south border have significantly increased inter-communal conflicts between the border communities, and identifying the key underlying causes of this conflict is the first step in finding a solution and enabling communities to coexist peacefully in their interactions at water points. Due to this, Forcier was contracted to conduct a situational analysis in Juba, Bor South, Budi and Kapoeta South Counties of South Sudan.
Population Interviewed:
A detailed desk review was conducted of relevant background documents and publications to inform research design as to which populations should be interviews. A qualitative approach was used with both Focus Group Discussions and Key informant interviews with relevant stakeholders and other informed persons. These covered community members from both settled and migrant communities in Aweil East and Aweil North Counties in Northern Bahr el Ghazal State (NBeG); Renk County in Upper Nile State; and Pariang County in Unity State. A total of 12 Key Informant Interviews were conducted in each state with community leaders, local government, and traders. An additional 12 Focus Group Discussions were conducted with local consumers and traders.
Methodological Summary
Key Informant Interviews with community leaders, local government & traders
Focus Group Discussions conducted with consumers and vendors
Targeted counties in South Sudan