Despite the increased documentation of the number of women operating in public decision making in Somalia, the career trajectories and scope of women’s political influence and leadership are still poorly documented in the country. In order to address the lack of political access and representation of women in Somalia, the “Involvement of Somali Women in Leadership Positions in Government and Political Structures” program was implemented in Somalia and Somaliland with the objective of increasing political representation and participation of women in politics and political settings. The program was an eleven month effort, funded by the East African Research Fund, as well as the UK Department for International Development and it began in August of 2016 and ended in June, 2017.

Somali Women's Political Participation and Leadership
Social Development Direct & East Africa Research Fund
August 2016 - May 2017
What Forcier Did:
Forcier was commissioned by Social Development Direct and the East African Research Fund to conduct qualitative research which included Key Informant Interviews and group workshops. In order to form a sound analysis, Forcier conducted a comprehensive literature review which drew on a systematic review of both existing primary and relevant secondary literature. Key Informant Interviews and group workshops were conducted in Hargeisa, Garowe and Mogadishu. The study was designed as an in-depth exploration of women’s experiences and used a participatory life course tool to help provide further understanding of the involvement and perceptions of women in politics. Together with the findings from this research, Forcier also produced a final report which included limitations to the study and the general opinions that contributed to results - as well as recommendations for future projects.
Population Interviewed:
Forcier carried out a total of 60 Key Informant Interviews and 3 group workshops with women and men working in government, women leaders in civil society and businesses, women in the security sector, religious leaders and university students.
Methodological Summary
Key Informant Interviews with women and men working in government
Group workshops conducted
Cities targted- Hareisa, Garowe, and Mogadishu