Drought and famine have been continuing factors hindering Somalia’s overall food security and livelihood situation. In response to drought-related food insecurity in Somalia, five organizations - CWW, COOPI, SCI, DRC and NRC came together to implement pre-famine and drought response activities in Somalia, funded by ECHO. The cash support programme aimed to ensure vulnerable, drought-affected populations in Somalia meet their minimum food and non-food needs. Approximately 45,968 households were targeted throughout project implementation.

Cash Alliance's Food Security & Livelihood Programme
The Norwegian Refugee Council
December 2017 - May 2018
What Forcier Did:
Forcier was contracted to evaluate and measure the success of Cash Alliance’s Food Security and Livelihood Programme thus far. Forcier conducted a mixed methods approach, with a total of 20 key informant interviews and 10 focus group discussions with community leaders, project staff and beneficiaries. Additionally, Forcier’s utilized its call center based in Hargeisa to administer 670 Computer Assisted Telephonic Interviews (CATI), across the following regions: Banadir, Lower Shabelle, Bay, Gedo, Awdal, Hiraan, Banadir, Middle Shabelle, Garowe, Galkacyo and Juba. The data collected was analyzed and the findings were compiled into a final report, which was presented to the members of the Cash Alliance in Nairobi.
Population Interviewed:
Quantitative surveys were performed with programme beneficiaries by way of CATI interviews, and qualitative interviews were done with project leads, local authorities, local project staff, and beneficiaries in all three zones of Somalia. The learning review and impact assessment looked to assess the overall impact of cash assistance programming, with the aim of drawing succinct learning and lessons easily adaptable for subsequent programming.
Methodological Summary
Targeted households
CATI Interviews conducted
Key Informant Interviews with project leads, local authorities, local project staff
Focus Group DIscussions with project beneficiaries